
I mostly travel with my family, and occasionally with friends. A lot of research and planning goes in before any of my trips. As a family, we like to explore new countries and cities. Taking in top sights in a city, a bit of rest & relaxation, some adventure activities, and culture and food added to the mix is how we travel.

Here are comprehensive blogposts across 5 continents and several countries within each of them.


Asia is home to me. This vibrant continent is where culture, people, landscapes, food, history and traffic collide in a unique way.


Africa & Middle East

Both the African continent and the Middle East countries offer diverse adventures!



Europe would be my favourite continent for family travel. It is easy to combine a visit to explore 2/3 countries in one trip. A great option whether you are planning a trip during summer or the winter season.


The Americas

I have explored very little of either North America or South America. Hope to explore many more countries and places across these 2 continents in the future.